Investigation into Scone fire

Filed in Just In by October 22, 2023

AN anonymous person posted to a Scone Community Facebook page today that a 12-year-old boy had been arrested in relation to the fire in Scone.

Police have confirmed they have not arrested a 12-year-old boy.

Investigations into the bushfire are underway and as part of any investigation police will speak with a range of people who were near the fire, or reported the fire.

They have confirmed one of the people they have spoken to was a 12-year-old boy.

Editorial note: Please be advised even when people post anonymously, social media accounts can be identified by law enforcement. People posting to social media are subject to publishing laws, which the courts are especially interested in, when the subject of the misinformation is a minor. As an editorial rule we do not accept any anonymous posts on our platforms as not only would we be liable, we won’t stand behind anything someone claims, who isn’t willing to stand behind it themselves. Throwing minors under the bus, based purely on speculation at this stage, while being too gutless to put your name to it, on a day like today, is truly poor form.

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