Update: Local river levels
The road between Satur and Scone is closed, except for people returning home.
Kingdon Ponds reached a peak of 3.88metres at 3:10pm today and is now 3.79m and steady.
Other local river heights include:
- Dartbrook at Yarrandi Bridge: 2.16m and rising;
- Hunter River at Aberdeen: 7.02 and rising;
- Hunter River at Belltrees: 2.28m and steady;
- Kingdon Ponds at Parkville: 2.87m and rising;
- Merriwa River at Vallances Creek: 2.77m and falling;
- Middlebrook at Cressfield: 1.06m and steady;
- Moonan Brook at Moonan Brook: 1.23m and rising;
- Pages River at Gundy: 5.35m and rising;
- Rouchel Brook at Rouchel Brook: 2.16m and falling;
- Middlebrook on Liverpool Street, Scone.
- Kingdon Ponds, on Liverpool Street, Scone.
- Kingdon Ponds, on Liverpool Street, Scone.
- Parson’s Gully, Scone – east bound from Satur to Scone.
Tags: Flooding, Kingdon Ponds, scone