Trees to Stay – Gutters to Move
COUNCIL have decided to keep 13 mature trees in Hill Street and Gundy Road, Scone following a consultant arborist’s report which assessed the health of the trees and recommended kerb and guttering be moved.

Nine mature Pistacia Atlantica trees will be preserved on Hill Street, with gutters to be moved instead.
On Hill Street, between Liverpool and Kingdon Street, the gutter will be moved 30 centimetres to protect nine Pistacia Atlantica trees and on Gundy Road, four large spotted gums will remain and the new kerb will 1.5 metres further away.
However, the assessment of two large lemon scented gums on Cook Street, were deemed a threat to homes and will be removed, but replaced with a more suitable species.
Related story:
- Council Apologises for “Pruning” Trees – August 16, 2019.
Tags: trees, Upper Hunter Shire Council