Have Your Say In The Scone Library Survey

Filed in Just In by October 7, 2020

THE Upper Hunter Shire Council are asking the community to participate in a two-minute survey about the relocation of Scone Library to Campbell’s Corner.

Council purchased the $3 million building in 2019 and are now preparing to design the new space however, it has still not been decided whether the library will be located on the top or bottom floor of the building.

Locals have until Monday, October 26 to tell Council how they would like to see the new space utilised.

Councillor Lorna Driscoll, who is also a delegate for the Upper Hunter Library Services Advisory Committee, said it’s good that Scone now owns their library and thinks it would be better situated on the top floor of Campbell’s Corner.

“They’ve still got to fix the roof and service the elevator,” Cr Driscoll said.

“To me, the library will be more peaceful up on the top, because you won’t have cars going off, even though the bypass has gone through, there’s still a lot of cars up there,” she said.

“I think for the people of Scone, it’ll be very good having that building to put the library in, because it’s a bit out of the way where it is at the moment,” she said.

“It’ll be better because they won’t be paying rent on the library…I think they’ll make it really nice,” said Cr Driscoll.

During the August Council ordinary meeting, Councillor Watts requested for a language amendment for the Upper Hunter Library Services Advisory Committee’s recommendation to “endorse the committee recommendation that the Scone Library be relocated to the top floor of the Campbell’s Corner building subject to floor loading and all safety requirements including disability access”.

Cr Watts explained that ‘endorsed’ meant that the committee would not be able to make changes to use the bottom floor if needed, therefore the word ‘note’ should replace ‘endorse.’

Councillor Sue Abbott, also a delegate for the Upper Hunter Library Services Advisory Committee, said the word change was necessary incase the Campbell’s Corner roof was not ready in time.  

To complete the library relocation community survey, visit Council’s website under ‘Hot Topics’ or click here.

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