Tag: rainfall
News ArchivesTHE thunderstorm yesterday in the Upper Hunter was hit and miss, with Kars Springs getting 27mm,
AS predicted a thunderstorm hit Scone last night at approximately 1:40am and while the rain was short lived it was fairly intense with plenty of lightening and thunder.
THE Bureau of Meteorology measured the following rainfalls in the Upper Hunter in the last 24 hours:
- Aberdeen: 43mm
- Blandford: 19mm
- Bunnan: 14mm
- Cassilis: 61mm
- Ellerston: 25mm
- Glenbawn: 46mm
- Hunter Springs: 44mm
- Merriwa: 42mm
- Moonan: 22mm
- Mount Barrington: 34mm
- Murrurundi: 26mm
- Parkville: 13mm
- Rouchel: 31mm
- Scone: 16mm
- Upper Rouchel: 38mm
- Wingen: 12mm
Related Story: Weather: The Week Ahead
THE Bureau of Meteorology recorded the following rainfalls in the Upper Hunter Shire area:
Rainfall – until 10am Sunday / until 9am Monday
- Aberdeen:2mm / 15mm
- Bunnan: 0mm / 15mm
- Cassilis: 0mm / 1mm
- Ellerston: 0mm / 2.2mm
- Glenbawn: 6mm / 16mm
- Hunter Springs: 14mm
- Merriwa (Rosscommon): 0mm / 19mm
- Moonan:8mm / 12mm
- Mount Barrington: 8mm
- Murrurundi: 4mm / 1mm
- Rouchel:4mm / 33mm
- Scone: 16mm / 18mm
- Upper Rouchel: 3mm / 27mm
- Wingen:5mm / 5mm
THE Upper Hunter enjoyed steady rain over the weekend and some isolated storms. What did your rain gauge measure?
BUNNAN had the most amount of rainfall in the last 24 hours according to the Bureau of Meteorology,
STORMS in the Upper Hunter brought some scattered rain in the evening, with the Bureau of Meteorology recording the following falls:
- Aberdeen: 1.8ml
- Blandford: 2.4ml
- Bunnan: 3ml
- Cassilis: 2ml
- Ellerston: 22ml
- Glenbawn: 0.4ml
- Merriwa: 1ml
- Murrurundi: 13ml
- Scone: 12ml
- Wingen: 1.5ml
Related story: Flash Flooding in Moonan Brook –
THE Bureau of Meteorology recorded the following rainfalls in the 24 hours until 9am this morning:
- Aberdeen: 1.6ml
- Bunnan: 2ml
- Cassilis: 1ml
- Ellerston: 2.2ml
- Glenbawn Dam: 1.4ml
- Merriwa: 4ml
- Murrurundi: 0.4ml
- Parkville: 0.4ml
- Scone: 1.5ml
- Upper Rouchel: 2.2ml
- Wingen: 1ml
THE Bureau of Meteorology recorded the following rainfalls in the last 24 hours until 9am this morning:
- Aberdeen: 0.8ml
- Bunnan: 8ml
- Cassilis: 0ml
- Cressfield:7,5ml
- Glenbawn Dam: 8.6ml
- Merriwa: 0.6ml
- Moonan: 5ml
- Murrurundi: 0.6ml
- Parkville: 9.6ml
- Rouchel: 2.2ml
- Scone: 5ml
- Wingen: 4ml
THE Bereau of Meteorology has reported the following rainfalls in the Upper Hunter in the 24 hours until 9am this morning:
- Aberdeen: 17ml
- Bunnan: 19ml
- Cassilis: 16ml
- Glenbawn Dam: 13ml
- Merriwa: 14ml
- Moonan: 10ml
- Murrurundi: 14ml
- Rouchel Brook: 15ml
- Scone: 21ml (Figtree)
- Yarrandi: 16ml