Extra Land for Community Use in Scone
THE Upper Hunter Shire Council are able to licence extra land on the corner of Wingen and Kingdon Street in Scone and are now asking the community how they might like to use it.
The land is located across the road from the Bill Rose Sports Complex and is split into two fenced-off sections on either side of the bypass.
So far, suggestions include; a community garden, a fenced off god-leash park, a skate park or an open space area, with Council stating there is enough room for two options.

Area map for surplus land that Council may licence from TFNSW. Photo by Upper Hunter Shire Council.
Council is able to licence the land from Transport For New South Wales (TFNSW) for community use and will possibly purchase it in two years time after TFNSW complete works for a new road reserve gazettal.
Locals who wish to have their say over the potential land use are asked to provide Council with a written comment to the address below by Monday, November 16.
Council address
Upper Hunter Shire Council
PO Box 208,
Scone NSW 2337
Tags: community, consultation, Scone Bypass, Transport for New South Wales, Upper Hunter Shire Council