What’s On Today: May 7
Australian Tentpegging Championships
The Australian Tentpegging Association, will be holding its National Championships for the third year running during the Horse Festival. Tentpegging originated in the North West frontier of India and was taken up by the soldiers of the British Cavalry to use as practice for mounted warfare. Today the sport is practiced in many countries, mainly by civilian and light horse.
- When: 8am – 4pm.
- Where: White Park, Geurnsey Street Scone.
- Contact: Bruce Smith, vice-president: 0418 197 976
Scone Country Markets
Watch the parade pass by as you enjoy the treats from the local market.
- When: 8am – 1pm.
- Where: Liverpool and Kelly Streets, Scone.
- Contact: 02 6540 1300
- sconevic@upperhunter.nsw.gov.au
Scone & Upper Hunter Horse Festival Charity Rodeo

Greg Frewin hazing while Jade Smith wrestles a steer at the Scone Charity Rodeo. Photographer: Joan Faras.
You’ve been to the rest, now come to the best. Voted ABCRA Rodeo of the Year 2013 & 2014. Junior Jackpot starts 8.00am. Rodeo starts 12noon Main Event starts 5.00pm. Live entertainment commencing after the rodeo.
- When: 8am – late.
- Where: White Park, Geurnsey Street, Scone.
- Cost: $15 Adults, $8 Children and pensioners, $35 Family (2 adults and 2 children)
- Contact: Jade Smith : 0429 720 092
- Read more about the rodeo: Pull On Your Boots and Put On Some Blue
Scone Arts & Crafts Members’ Exhibition
Scone Arts & Crafts Members’ Exhibition
Entry: Gold coin donation
- When: 10am – 4pm.
- Where: Scone Arts & Crafts Hall, Kingdon Street, Scone.
- Contact: Pam: 0418 441 128
- sconeartsandcrafts@gmail.com
Scone Polo – Muswellbrook Cup
Licensed bar and catering available from 11.00am.
- When: 11am – 5pm.
- Where: Polo Grounds, Waverley Road, Gundy.
- www.sconepoloclub.com.au
Scone Equine Hospital Festival Parade
A procession for all to enjoy. Participants include local schools, community groups, local businesses, Light Horse Brigade, bands, floats and of course many horses and riders along with horse drawn vehicles.
- When: 10:45am – 12pm.
- Where: Kelly and Liverpool Street, Scone.
- Contact: Scone Visitor Information & Horse Centre: 02 6540 1300
- Contact: Lee Watts : 0413 036 628
- sconeartsandcrafts@gmail.com
Scone Grammar School Fete
Follow the crowds for fabulous food, fun and entertainment.
- When: 12pm.
- Where: Scone Grammar School, Kingdon Street, Scone.
- Contact: Scone Visitor Information & Horse Centre: 02 6540 1300
St Luke’s Anglican Church – Open for inspection
You are welcome to tour the church and grounds of this historic church. Booklets with points of interest, history of memorial stain-glass windows and the grounds are available. The church is a beautiful building, please come and enjoy.
- When: 12pm – 5pm.
- Where: St Luke’s Anglican Church, Liverpool Street, Scone.
- Contact: Margaret : 0438 451 891
Equestrian Vaulting Competition
Vaulting is one of the most spectacular of the equestrian sports, where both dynamic
and static gymnastic elements are combined with music and performed on a cantering
horse. Full canteen will be available on the day. wellbrook@bigpond.com
- When: 2pm – 5pm.
- Where: ‘Dunsinane’, 274 Turanville Road, Scone.
- Contact: Robyn: 0429 947 015
- wellbrook@bigpond.com
- www.equestrianvaulting.com.au
For more information on what’s coming up in the Horse Festival visit our Community Calendar.