VIP Announced
THE VIP and the Young Achiever for the 2016 Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival was announced last night at the official opening of the Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival at the Vinery Stud and the Studs of the Upper Hunter calendar was also launched.

Susan Bettington, 2015 VIP with Debbie Racklyeft, 2016 VIP of the Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival.
This year’s VIP is Debbie Racklyeft.
At the age of eleven Debbie lost her leg to bone cancer, but her work with horses continued to motivate her and she pursued her goal of a career in veterinary science.
Debbie was a specialist veterinarian dealing with the medical illnesses of horses attending to horses in the local area and referred from other veterinarian specialists.
Debbie said she especially enjoyed the educating clients about horses and teaching future veterinarians in Australia and overseas.
Together with her partner, Debbie is retired after building a veterinarian practice in the Upper Hunter that employed four vets and many other staff.
The Young Achiever award went to Joe Wamsley who has excelled in polocrosse.
His achievements have included:
- playing polocrosse for 8 years with the Bunnan Club – in sub-juniors, juniors, intermediate and open men’s;
- representing at Club, Zone, State and National level;
- at 16 years of age playing for NSW in the under 21 mixed team;
- in 2015 winning best number 3 of the series and champion NSW horse and rider with his horse Efficient;
- champion under 21 Australian Stock Horse at Zone;
- selection for the 2016 under 21 team at the Australian Polocrosse Nationals;
- in 2016 winning best number 3 of the series and champion NSW horse and rider with his horse Efficient, and
- being awarded either Players Player or Best and Fairest with the Bunnan Club for the last four years.
Joe thanked his mum and dad for supporting him to play polocrosse.
- Judy Collison, Sid Collison and Mayor Wayne Bedggood.
- August pin-up Michael Morton and David O’Meara.
- Tammy and Colin Selwood
- Studs of the Upper Hunter calendar launch: August calendar pin-up Michael Morton with Lee Watts president of the Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival.
- Former VIP’s of the Horse Festival, with the 2016 VIP: Back: Peter White, Peter Hayden and Rusty Wharton. Front: Jim Callinan, Susan Bettington, Anto White and new VIP Debbie Racklyeft.
- David Gatwood, general manager of the Australian Stock Horse Society and Vice-President of the Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival, assures us he broke his leg playing golf, not riding a horse.
- Debbie Racklyeft, 2016 VIP and Lee Watts, president of the Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival.
- Joe Wamsley, 2016 Young Achiever with Lee Watts, president of the Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Festival.