Veterans Golf: May 3
By Graham Turvey
IT was cloudy at first, then rainy and finally sunny for the 31 Vets who contested for the Ossie Miles Trophy at Muswellbrook today.

Emil Battista presented with the Ossie Miles trophy by Judy Miles and son Jimmy Miles at Muswellbrook Golf Club today.
Judy Miles and her son Jimmy were present to make the presentation to the winner Emil Battista who won with 38 points on a count-back (a birdie 2 on the 17th) from Graham Huggins 38.
Third was Wayne Murphy 37, 4th Graham Guest 35, 5th Derek Stair 35 and 6th Terry Mitchell 35.
In the ball comp balls went to Red Palmer, Phil Ledgerwood and Albert Colbert 34, Bob Keating, President Paul Gorman and Buzz Pascoe 33, Carey Wallace and Graham Boles 32 and Bruce Robinson, Graham Turvey and Reg Davidson 31.
Get well soon Mal Bruce.
Nearest the Pins: 5th and 8th Albert Colbert 11th Red Palmer 14th Julie Berick 17th Emil Battista
- On Tuesday, May 10 we play a two ball better ball event at Scone with hit-off from 8am – 8.30.
- On Saturday, May 14 there is the Curly Upton Trophy event at Murrurundi – a two-person ambrose.
- On Thursday, May 19 we have the first staging of the UHVGA Mixed Open Day at Muswellbrook. Please pay the $25 for golf and lunch prior to the day so we can organise the shot-gun start.
- There will be no golf on Tuesday, May 17.