Surprises at St Aubin’s Sale
THE contents of St Aubin’s went under the hammer on Sunday to a packed hall and many bidders on the phone.
Some of the surprises in the sale were two milking stools which fetched $950 to the sounds of gasps to a local country audience, ten cast iron columns for $10,000, a painting for $20,000more than twice what was expected and wicker wool baskets selling for $400 each.
There were only one or two items passed in, with interest shown by some after the auction.
Andrew Shapiro, managing director of Shapiro auctioneers said the was a huge success.
“There was interest across the board in all the furniture, all the silver, all the fun items like the wool baskets,” said Mr Shapiro.
“The ten cast iron columns from a house in Wooloomooloo sold for $10,000 and they’ve been in the shed since 1950, so that was what they call ‘found money’,” he said.
“The painting titled the microscope for $20,000 was also exciting it’s a record price for that artist and is going to a very good collection in Sydney,” he said.
“Milking stools as you saw are back in fashion and the wool baskets were in big demand,” he said.
“I think the crowd was very happy with the sale in terms of everybody getting something the silver was strong and all the little led soldiers have found the audience they should,” Andrew Shapiro said.

Melinda Lawler was the youngest bidder at 7 years of age and snapped up a doll’s house from the St Aubin’s contents sale.
Kate Fraser, the owner of St Aubin’s said she was very pleased with the sale.
“The clearance was fabulous, even though we let two items go for free,” laughed Kate.
Ms Fraser was referring to two monkey cots, antique cots with a lid on the top to prevent toddlers climbing out of the cot.
The items made many at the auction question why cots were no longer made that way and Kate said she wanted them to go to people who really wanted them.
“We’re not taking anything home which is good and everything has found new owners and they’re going to enjoy it and say ‘that came from St Aubin’s’ and I’m going to enjoy my new move,” she said.
“Next will be Scone’s biggest garage sale,” Kate Fraser said.