Superspreaders to be released in Scone

Filed in Just In by January 12, 2021

THE Where There’s A Will (WTAW) Foundation has recruited ten secret Sconeites to help spread positive wellbeing in the community and create herd immunity against mental ill health.

These handpicked ‘Wellbeing Superspreaders’ all boast a broad network across Scone, with aims to infect as many locals as possible.

From Monday, January 18 WTAW and will release the names of one Superspreader per day, before they are officially unleashed into the community on February 1.

Pauline Carrigan, WTAW founder and patient zero explained, “Covid-19 meant we’ve all become familiar with terms like clusters and
outbreaks and Superspreaders for negative reasons, we’re applying the same approach but aiming for positive outcomes with regards to mental health and wellbeing.” 

“This is a very deliberate attempt to create a wellbeing contagion,” she said.

Wellbeing Superpsreaders will be working closely with a certified Wellbeing Coach and will be readily available to anyone in the community who may be struggling with mental health or who want to know more about positive wellbeing mechanisms.

“By observing the Superspreaders improving their own wellbeing, we want people to think about what could work in their lives and then take action to make it happen,” said Ms Carrigan.

“Our Wellbeing Superspreaders are a great group of locals – they are our neighbours, our workmates and our friends – and they’re all volunteering
their time because they want to help the people of Scone thrive and flourish.”

So who are these Superspreaders? 

For now, they’re known as; The Quiet Achiever, The Scientist, The Carer, The Livewire, The Supercoach, The Drake, The Cowboy, The Elder Statesman, The Big Unit and The Tradie.

To maximise the contagion effect, locals are asked to follow the Superspreader social media accounts as regular updates will be provided on these platforms, showcasing steps the Superspreaders are taking to achieve wellbeing and the ways they are infecting others.

Fellow Sconeites will be asked to monitor their friends, family and work colleagues for symptoms such as greater happiness, improved physical health, better relationships less stress and improves coping within workplaces.

Schools and workplaces throughout Scone will also be alerting staff and parents to monitor the movement of the Wellbeing Superspreaders, encouraging them to get infected.

The pilot project is funded by the Hunter New England Primary Health Network and if Scone proves successful, WTAW hopes the outbreak will spread to other towns across the Upper Hunter and beyond, with a goal of achieving widespread wellbeing and good mental health.  

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