Stock Report: Feb 23
By Stuart Sheldrake.
TODAY there was an increased yarding of 1420 cattle, with the majority made up of export cattle and cattle to suit restocking.
The market overall was firm with a few certain categories selling to easier trends.
Restocking light weight restocking steers and heifers sold to fully firm rates and there were a few more of those in the market.
A lighter yarding of finished trade cattle saw the market hold to firm rates also, but there was a limited supply.
A large number of yearling cattle were penned, which saw the market sustain a firm trend.
A large supply of cows were supplied and cows were fully firm to maybe a shade dearer for cows in plainer condition.
A good number of bulls were also yarded and were a fraction easier by 5 cents.
We are starting to see larger numbers of cattle yarded throughout the state, due to a hot streak of weather we received over the last couple of weeks.
In the Valley here we are very good and we are not concerned about fed, but in other places feed is starting to dry off.
Weaners are starting to run and people will be selling them over the next week or two.
Read the full report from the Meat and Livestock Association: Scone, February 23.
Store Sale
The store sale held last Thursday saw a very small yarding of cattle, 60 cows and calves and prices were very strong.
Most cows and calves from 1,500 to 1,950.