St Mary’s Open Day
LAST Friday St Mary’s catholic primary school held its’ annual open day as art of catholic schools week.
It was a chance for people to visit the school and observe the new team teaching and staged approach to learning in action.
In kindergarten, Justine Hartmann, the mother of Seamus said the children seemed to be interacting, learning and happy.
“The teachers are friendly and supportive and the children are responding well,” Ms Hartman said.
Year four were significantly quieter than Kindergarten.
The children were excited to see their parents, relatives and friends who came to their classrooms.
When asked if she liked having dad visit the classroom Mia Kelaher beamed an enthusiastic “YEAH!
“We have been doing three or four activities while dad is here,” Mia said.
Mia’s teacher Ms Joanne Brady said she loves open day.
“It’s great for parents to come in and see what goes on in the classroom,” she said.
“If you could see the kids faces when their parents walk in, that’s what its all about.
“The year four children do a number of activities but have a must do list,” she said.
“They have a daily five, read to self, read to someone, word work, work on writing and listen to reading,” Joanne Brady said.
After an hour the parents were dismissed from class and allowed to go home for the rest of the day.