St Mary’s Aspiring at Aspire
ST MAR’YS of Scone took a hoard of children to see the Aspire performance of the The Hoarders Next Door at the Newcastle Civic Theatre yesterday.
Aspire is an audition-based drama, dance, music and creative and performing arts program for students from years 5 to 11 from Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and provides opportunity for students with a passion for the performing arts to grow, perform and shine.
Genevieve Cook co-ordinated the trip and was delighted to be invited to attend the performance.
“Aspire is a production that is put together by catholic schools across the Newcastle Maitland Diocese and St Mar’s likes to go along to support our secondary schools in our Diocese and give the children an experience of live theatre,” Mrs Cook said.
“It was a fantastic production, all credit to all of those high schools that were involved and it was a wonderful experience for our children and certainly a worthwhile show for families to go and watch themselves,” said Genevieve Cook.
There are still two performances left at 7.00pm tonight and 7.00pm tomorrow night, go the Ticketek site to purchase tickets.

Genevieve Sullivan Cook with the St Mary’s children at the Aspire concert in Newcastle.

Photo Courtesy of The Catholic Schools Office. Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.