Special Connections
FROM a field of race horses, Professor Marx owned by Scone Race Club director Noel Leckie was a clear winner and won the hearts of everyone involved with a photographic shoot.
Katrina Partridge was commissioned by a Sydney company to photograph a range of race horses to select the ideal horse for a campaign for a new ulcer treatment product.
Of all of the horses photographed one was the stand out and proved to be a special horse on a number of levels.
Katrina followed up to find out more about the horse and hope the owner would allow him to be in the campaign to find out it was owned by well known local racing identity Noel Leckie and the horse was also special to him.

Ed Kirk, managing director of Loop Brands presents some framed photos of Professor Marx to Noel Leckie.
Mr Leckie has battled cancer with the help of Sydney oncologist Professor Marx and named the horse in honour of physician and friend.
The horse was in full race work at the time, but Noel was still happy for Professor Marx to participate in the campaign and Katrina Partriddge said the horse took it in his stride.
“He was just an amazing horse,” said Mr Partridge.
“He was photographed for five hours and it was like he was made for this shoot, he was completely cooperative and ready for what was next,” Katrina Partridge said.
The agency Loop Brands and their client Virbac were touched by the special bond between the horse and his owner and arranged for images from the campaign to be produced and farmed for Mr Leckie and hand delivered them to Scone to say thank you.
“For Virbac and Loop Brands to understand the importance of this horse to Noel and to the wider Northam racing stable and for company directors to travel from Sydney to Scone to present Noel with these framed pictures it certainly showed how many people have been caught up by this story well after the photos were taken and the layouts were done,” Katrina Partridge said.