Sombre Dawn in Murrurundi
By Des Dugan
As the sun slowly peaked its way across the valley approximately 120 men, women and children braved the clouds and the chilly morning air to pay respect to Australia’s involvement in wars.

Front: Del Ross holding a riderless horse, with boot backwards in respect of fallen soldiers. Back: Warren Bramley, Kevin Taylor and Victoria Waights.
Backed up by a contingent of the local light horse and, for the first time, a riderless horse with a boot pointed backward symbolising a fallen soldier, the 100 year celebration of the original Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANAZC) was both sombre and respectful.
According to RSL’s Murrurundi chapter president, Gary Vale while it wasn’t the biggest dawn service turnout it certainly was up there.
Local councillor Joshua Brown laid a council wreath while both ministers, Wendy Jackson and Barbara Morgan, delivered the prayers for the service.