Scone Stock Report: July 25

Filed in Recent News by July 25, 2017

By Stuart Sheldrake

890 Cattle were yarded today in a similar yarding to last week, about 130 export cattle were yarded which were firm across the board, the best of the cows made up to 225 to 226 cents.

The majority of the yarding was weaner cattle along with a few handy vealers but not too many, a handful of supplementary calves were on offer.

It was mainly plainer weaners, lighter in condition as well a few yearling cattle.

Lighter weaners were a tad softer, 180 to 230 kilos were five to eight cents cheaper, decent lines of weaners ranging from 250 to 300 kilos were firm and maybe five cents softer depending on quality, the same applied to the heifer counterpart.

Yearling cattle suffered the same fate and were firm to five cents cheaper.

There was a few older cattle with two to four teeth which were up to ten cents cheaper but there was not a lot on offer with no real lines to speak of.

The Manali Limousin and Lim-Flex bull sale is on this Friday, July 29 at the Scone saleyards with a very good run of 50 bulls startining at 1pm.


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