Scone Golf Report: July 29-30
By Lyn Banks
ON Sunday, July 30 at Scone Golf Course the men’s open day was held. The day became extremely windy in the afternoon so the morning players of the 79 strong field had the better conditions. Jake Teague won the A.J. White Cup with the best scratch score of 74 in the afternoon. This was the Scone player’s second win of the Scone Open to beat last year’s winner Nathan Waters who had 76 to be runner up.
Glen Googe from Aberdeen won the Bob Robb Cup for his second time also when he had a great 42 points. Runner up was Des Vero from Merriwa on 41 points on a countback.

Scone Men’s Golf Open 2017: Jake Teague winner of the A.G.White Cup and Bob Robb the Glen Googe stableford winner.
In the grade prize run down, the B and C grade players enjoyed the large amount of run on the course to record the best scores. It was pleasing to see some ex Scone players return to the course to enjoy the last open on the current layout. The prize winners on stableford points were: A Grade: 1st Brenan Reeves 36, 2nd Simon Groom 35, 3rd David Druce 35, 4th Phil Ledgerwood 35 and 5th Joel Harrison 34.
B Grade: 1st Steve Marchant 41, 2nd Troy Collison 41, 3rd Paul Smart 40, 4th Reece Caldwell 40 and 5th Charlie Manning 39 on a countback. C Grade: 1st John Greenwood 41, 2nd Keith Ryan 40, 3rd Greg Hopkins 37, 4th Ian Turnbull 36 and 5th Paul Gorman 35 on a countback.
There were long drive prizes and four NTP’s and these went to: Long Drive: A Grade, Brad Hockley, B Grade Lindsay Patterson and C Grade Des Vero. The NTP’s were won by: 2nd Paul Reeves 2.2 metres; 8th Kyle Blinco 4.89 metres; 11th Steve Eccles 3.98 metres; 17th Sean Constable 2.43 metres.
There would not have been such an extensive prize distribution without the generous support of the regular sponsors being Joel Woods Building, Scone Isis Motel, Farrams Clothing and Footwear, Scone sports Store, Jason Taylor Muswellbrook Golf Shop and the Scone RSL Group.
On Saturday, July 29 the players enjoyed a Medley 18 Hole Irish Foursomes for the Phil McGuirk and Gordon Halliday Trophy. In a novel event there were combinations of men, ladies and mixed pairings. The winners were Jake and Peter Teague who had 64½ nett. Runners up were Troy Collison and Mac Dawson who had 65¼. The NTP’s were won by Ross Banks 0.47 metres on the 2nd / 11th for a jackpot of only one ball, and by Mick Alsleben at 2.74 metres on the 8th / 17th. The ball winners were: Jake Teague & Peter Teague 64½, Troy Collison & Mac Dawson 65¼, Brenan Reeves & Sean Constable 66¼, Tony O’Neill & Jeff Harrington 67½, George Campbell & Greg Hopkins 67¾ and Alan Wood & Steve Morse 67¾.
On Saturday, August 5 the men will play an 18 Hole Stroke / Stableford for the Scone RSL Group Monthly Mug. The Foursomes Championships will be played in A, B and C Grades on August 13 so players are encouraged to get their nominations in.