Premier Encourages App Download
PREMIER Gladys Berejiklian said she has downloaded the COVIDSafe app and encourages the community to do the same.
“The more people that are on the app the safer all of us will be, especially as NSW moves forward in easing some of those restrictions we’ve had to live with in the last few weeks,” said Premier Gladys Berejiklian.
The Premier also announced all states schools were prioritising Year 12 students to have extra classes and for their face to face teaching to be expedited.
A child tested positive at Warragamba school, which has been closed and will go through the normal cleaning process.
The Premier said it is likely there will be some cases in schools and the proper procedures would be followed when it occurs.
“This is likely to occur on a more regular basis when schools go back, but we’ve demonstrated from our experience in term one best practice when it comes sto isolating a case, shutting down a school, doing a deep clean and then resuming activities as soon as possible once contacts have been established,” said the Premier.
Health Update
The Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kerry Chant, encouraged people to be tested with even the mildest symptoms including a slightly sore throat, a cough or any cold and flu like symptoms.
- 1 new case – a 7 year old boy with mild symptoms
- 5,571 people tested – highest ever on a Sunday
- 3033 cases confirmed to date
- 107 people cared for
- 14 people in ICU
- 10 people on ventilators
- 44 deaths overall
Police Update
There were 22 infringement notices issued in the last three days, during the previous weekend 100 were issued.
Mick Fuller, NSW Police Commissioner said, “even though there was a relaxation the people of New South Wales are still working hard obviously in taking this seriously.
Most crimes were down or stable.
Westmead Hospital
The NSW Minister for Health, Brad Hazzard announced the new Westmead Hospital precinct representing a $1billion investment would open three months ahead of schedule.
The new 14 level acute care facility has 300 beds, two emergency departments and will house a research and development hub.
Tags: Coronavirus, Covid-19, health, Pandemic