Plans for Rate Rise

Filed in Recent News by May 3, 2016

COUNCIL plan on a rate rise of 1.8 percent in line with the rate pegging limit, as outlined in their draft operational plan on exhibition tonight at 6pm in the Council Chambers.

In the preamble statement of the plan, Mayor Wayne Bedggood said the Council were “committed to the provision of community service facilities, such as the libraries, sports programs, youth services, early learning, before and after school care, family day care and aged care facilities.”

The Council reports that the 2016/17 financial year budget revenue is $72.3 million with the same amount set for expenditure.

Mayor Bedggood said a highlight was the replacement of the Middlebrook Bridge.

However, questions in relation to stretched sewerage services have gone unanswered and the Murrurundi water pipeline is yet to have a sod turn.

Murrurundi Pipeline Still in the Pipeline

While funding was announced for the 40 kilometre Murrurundi water pipeline in February last year, construction has not started.

In the draft plan Council promises to begin work on the pipeline in the next twelve months, but does not provide further detail and aim to build the pipeline over three years.

In contrast the 19 kilometre Quirindi to Werris Creek pipeline began in September 2015 and was finished before Christmas the same year.

Sewerage Services Gone to Ground

The costs of sewerage services will increase by 5 percent as Council say the sewerage services need extensive capital works during the next 20 years, however this year capital spend on the sewerage works will be less than half that of last year.

In February the general manager of Council, Waid Crockett was sent a series of questions relating to the Scone sewerage system, following advice from people who have worked at the facility to that the local sewerage works had capacity issues.

Mr Crocket has refused to provide information such as the current capacity of the sewerage system, percentage of utilisation, how many more households can be connected to the plant and if the local works also handles industrial or commercial sewerage from out of area.

Unfortunately, Council has also omitted to post the sewerage services asset management plan online, while the other asset management plans have been posted and there has been no response from Council to a request for the plan.

Update: Since publishing Council have posted the Sewerage Services Asset Management plan, which was produced in September, 2014.


The Council report that the 2016/17 financial year budget revenue is $72.3 million with the same amount set for expenditure.

The Council lists the proposed breakdown of infrastructure costs as including:

  • roads, bridges and the airport make up one third (33%) of expenditure,
  • water is our next biggest cost (14%),
  • followed by engineering and works (11%),
  • recreation and culture (9%),
  • the business unit including tourism (7%),
  • environment (7%),
  • community services (5%)
  • administration and governance (3%) and
  • health and other, public order and safety, and community amenities each account for 2% of expenditure

There will be four public meetings held at:

  • 6pm, Tuesday, May 3: Council Chambers, 135 Liverpool Street, Scone;
  • 6pm, Wednesday, May 4: CWA Rooms, 109 Mayne Street, Murrurundi;
  • 6pm, Monday, May 9: Merriwa School of Arts Community Hall, and
  • 6pm, Wednesday, May 11: Rose Garden Community Hall, Aberdeen.

The draft can also be viewed on the Councils website: Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

Submissions to Council close on May 30.

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