Neighbourhood Grandparents Day
TODAY the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre in partnership with the Scone Library held Grandparents Day sharing stories across the ages.
It was a great morning with the children from the Early Learning Centre happy to listen to the stories of Chris Hick, Margaret Kelaher, Alister Widdis and
Jean Mary Ellis.
Chris Hick spoke about his memories of his youth.
‘The biggest change since I was a little person is that there were not many cars around, I was 19 years old before my parents brought their first car, I think this is because people didn’t have as much money in those days and cars were expensive,” said Mr hick
Margaret Kelaher remembered when electricity was introduced to her household.
‘The biggest change I have noticed is having electricity, up until then we had an Aladdin light/lamp which we shared while doing our homework, it wasn’t until I was about 16 that I had first experience electricity in our house,’ said Mrs Kelaher.
Alister Widdis spoke about working in his youth while other workers were away at war.
‘I spent my school holidays on the horse out in the paddock mustering sheep and cattle – basically working every school holiday because most of the work force were at World War II – fighting for our liberty,” said Alister Widdis.
Jean Ellis spoke of looking after her family in her youth.
‘My childhood was similar to any working-class child, I took tap dancing and elocution lessons which paid dividends later. My mother died
when she was only 45 years of age, so at eighteen years of age, I became mother to my 11 year brother and 7 year old sister who is even today my
dearest friend,’ said Jean Ellis.
- Margaret Kelaher & Sienna. Photograph courtest of SNRC
- Chris Hick. Photograph courtesy of SNRC
- Jean Ellis. Photograph courtesy of SNRC
- Alister Widdis & Bill. Photograph courtesy of SNRC