Merriwa Wellbeing Superspreaders: “The BBQ Queen”
IF there’s the smell of a barbecue on the wind and it’s raising money for a good cause, there’s a chance Emma Sparrow will be on the tongs.
This woman can and will turn a sausage.
Touch Footy, Rugby League, League Tag, Little Athletics, Merriwa P&C and the Merriwa Ride for Cancer, this woman has helped them all.
Right now her focus is on Merriwa Pre-School P&C supporting her youngest Delcie, 3. Her older two Grace, 11 and William, 6 are at Merriwa Central.
She also works with her husband Mark, running cattle operations at Merriwa and Bundarra.

Emma “The BBQ Queen” Sparrow is the latest member of the Merriwa Wellbeing Superspreaders. Soon she’ll be serving up snags and positive wellbeing. Photo supplied by WTAW.
But it doesn’t stop there. Emma also has her own catering business on the side, The Sparrow’s Nest.
If there’s a spare second in her day for downtime, you’ll find Emma crocheting away.
Emma ‘The BBQ Queen’ Sparrow will join nine other Merriwa Wellbeing Superspreaders, who have been specially handpicked by the Where There’s A Will (WTAW) foundation.
The superspreader team will be trained by a certified wellbeing coach for three months, before unleashing their new positive wellbeing skills on the Merriwa community.
Wellbeing Superspreaders will also recruit friends and family to join them for training in Mental Health First Aid, so they know the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and how to help those in need.
Want to know more?
Head to @merriwawellbeingsuperspreaders on Instagram or the Merriwa Wellbeing Superspreaders Facebook page to catch up on the latest superspreader activity.
Tags: Emma Sparrow, Merriwa Wellbeing Superspreaders, positive wellbeing, The BBQ Queen, Where Theres A Will, WTAW