Merriwa Residents Question Candidates

Filed in Recent News by August 25, 2016

LAST night the residents of Merriwa gathered to ask questions of Merriwa candidates in the upcoming local elections, with drug and alcohol use at the local youth centre being the most heated topic raised.

A Merriwa resident expressed concern at the use of drugs and alcohol at the Council run youth centre and his frustration of having raised the issue with Council and the police, yet no action being taken.

Deirdre Peebles, a candidate in the upcoming elections said she was shocked and would follow up on the matter, but fellow candidate and former police officer Liam Garment recalled that in 2014 she was aware and Council had done nothing.

“Back in 2014 I was a minute taker on a committee where this exact issue was raised and Deirdre Peebles was the Chair, it’s not new to Council but they need to take action immediately,” said Mr Garment.

Candidate Lee Watts undertook to speak with police and the general manager of Council.

Candidate Ron Campbell added, “if there are drugs there I just wouldn’t send my kids,” which met with remarks from the crowd that it was a Council run centre and Council had a duty of care.

The other major topic of concern was the time it takes Council to approve development applications and the negative impacts it has had on new businesses.

“The feeling is that the goal posts keep being changed during the process and the DA’s need to be expedited in this town,” said Kim Fenley, president of the Merriwa and District Progress Association.

Other concerns raised included roads especially Flaggs Road and the Willow Tree Road, services for young people and families, increasing rates, police response times and access to technology.

There are four candidates running in the Merriwa area including Ron Campbell, Deirdre Peebles, Liam Garment and Arthur Wright.

Newcomers Liam Garment and Arthur Wright are preferencing each other, while existing Councillors Ron Campbell and Deirdre Peebles have also done a preference deal.

Kim Fenley, believes the relatively high number of candidates from Merriwa reflects the community feeling that Merriwa residents feel neglected.

“The majority of Councillors have been from the northern side of the Shire and people feel they have a poor understanding of our requirements,” said Mr Fenley.

“Wayne Bedggood does come here regularly and spends time once a month so that residents can talk to him,” he said.

“And we had Lee Watts here tonight because she rang and asked if she could be here to hear residents concerns,” Kim Fenley said.


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