Tag: Mayor Maurice Collison

News Archives
July 28, 2023
Editorial: Merriwa-Willow Tree – Update

THE Council has confirmed they have not signed a contract with the preferred tenderer for the Merriwa-Willow Tree Road,

 » Read more about: Editorial: Merriwa-Willow Tree – Update  »


July 28, 2023
Editorial: Council “Confusion” Clarified

Council has confirmed they were “confused” by my questions pertaining to $37million in loans, which is why they couldn’t answer.

 » Read more about: Editorial: Council “Confusion” Clarified  »


July 18, 2023
Editorial: Budget – $27million unspent

Last month approximately $27million of last year’s $51.9million was reported unspent by Council. With the state of the roads,

 » Read more about: Editorial: Budget – $27million unspent  »


September 1, 2021
Testing times for the Mayor

MAYOR Maurice Collison said he is proud of the local community doing the right thing during the pandemic and so when he felt a niggle in his throat he didn’t assume it was nothing and did the right thing.

 » Read more about: Testing times for the Mayor  »


July 9, 2021
A message from the Mayor

UPPER Hunter Shire Mayor Maurice Collison is encouraging community driven residents to put their hand up and run for Council. 

 » Read more about: A message from the Mayor  »


November 12, 2020
Mayor massages Murrurundi

You need to be logged in and have an active subscription to be able to view this content.  » Read more about: Mayor massages Murrurundi  »


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