Mayor for a Day
LAST night Council meeting was unusually packed with people who wanted to hear the ideas of the next generation of community leaders.

Future Leaders: Emily McMahon, Jack Teague, Prunella Hayes, Charlotte Wells, Partick Magna, Tori Hardes and Indi Wlesh. Absent: Willa Mulligan.
Charlotte Wells from Aberdeen Public School was announced as the Upper Hunter Shire Council’s 2016 Mayor for a Day and Patrick Magner of St Joseph’s Primary School in Merriwa was chosen as Deputy Mayor.
They were selected as leaders from more than 280 primary school children from across the Shire who had submitted ideas of what they would do as ‘Mayor for a Day’.
Charlotte’s ideas included, “a telescope area to see the stars on special occasions”, a national pajama day when it rains so people can stay at home and watch movies, new play equipment, bike tracks, skate parks, a basketball contest, weekend markets, clean up days and more school shops.
Other ideas from primary school students in the Shire included helping the homeless, fixing roads, cleaning up rubbish and more playgrounds.
Students ranging from kindergarten to year 2 were also included this year, with a competition to design a postcard about what is special about the Shire, with entries including farms, rivers, horse studs and skate parks.
Mayor for a Day School winners 2016
- Jack Teague, Blandford Public School
- Indi Welsh, Scone Public School
- Tori Hardes, St Mary’s Primary School
- Prunella Hayes, Scone Grammar School
Junior Mayor for a Day School winners 2016
- Wills Mulligan, St Joseph’s Primary School
- Emily McMahon, Aberdeen Public School