Letter: Solar for Turkey and Ham
Open Letter to the Hon., Barnaby Joyce:
As a local constituent, I know only too well how hard you Canberra fellas work.
I mean 70 days a year doesn’t sound a lot, but with all your plane flying, horse riding and multitasking in bedrooms, it doesn’t leave a lot of time to think of other stuff.
You know, with the last couple of blackouts this week, if we had solar panels we wouldn’t have lost the Christmas turkey and ham.
I think if you want us to use more coal, you need to deliver it to our homes, because your base load power stations aren’t doing the job.
At least in winter we can have coal fires to keep us warm during future blackouts.
Give Gina a big sloppy kiss for Chrissy.
Your pal,
Dave Allen
Resident of Murrurundi