Letter: Festival to be Proud of
Every person in Scone, should feel proud of what this town has achieved this weekend and it is just the start of the Horse Festival.
I am proud to live in this town and see the absolute euphoria that was a part of celebrations this weekend.
Everyone worked together and it lifted the spirits of a town that has been struggling with a downturn.
It is a great feeling to be part of a team and in this case that team was an entire town working together towards a common goal of showcasing our area and being proud of our place as the horse capital of Australia.
The weekend began with a ball that grew significantly this year and people had a great night out together.

Inspector Guy Guiana of NSW Police Upper Hunter local area command and Jim McArthur from Newcastle SES.
In the morning it was all hands on deck with the SES from our towns and out of area, the Upper Hunter Shire Council staff and the festival committee setting up for a day of chaos with traffic, horses, floats, bands and people but it all went off without a hitch.
There are not many places in Australia that hold a parade like ours anymore, much less close a national highway for a while to hold it.
The stage was set for the Parade, the weather glorious and everyone had a role to play.
There was much preparation but then Visitors and locals halted as the sound of the Hunter Marching band and the clip clop of horses moved into Kelly Street, Scone.
Everyone had a role in making the parade a success, whether you were a part of the committee, a volunteer for the festival, a community group, a business owner, an entrant in the parade or a spectator…what would a parade be without people to enjoy it and cheer it on?
I received a phone call yesterday morning from 83 year old Jim Ross from Clarence Town.
Jim said “my wife and I drove over to watch the parade and were so impressed, everyone was happy it was so nice to be a part of. The children impressed both of us they were so good in the parade. A we drove home we spoke about the day and could not pick a highlight the entire day was brilliant”.
The parade was over for another year, but thousands moved on to the next event on their horse festival calendar they went back to compete in tent pegging, playing polo, creating horse shoes, vaulting, roping steers, holding stalls, working at the fete, making coffees, selling pies and the endless list of things people went on to organise and enjoy for the day.
Even though the Grammar School is under construction, they held nothing back.
The entire area was alive with smiling faces and people enjoying the afternoon.
Kids checking out emergency services vehicles or mums and dads purchasing locally made items.
As you headed into the school, children were singing and playing musical instruments, there were food stall and entertainment for the children.
White Park was next and the Farriers, Tentpegging and rodeo kept the new and returning enthusiasts mesmerised with their skill. The Rodeo the largest ever reported by President Jade Smith was a night of entertainment and thrills under the stars.
Sunday was just as busy with Farriers, Tentpegging, Cattle dog trails the equine Expo and Equestrian Vaulting all on today.
There is another full week to come not to be missed is the Jack Johnston Day on Tuesday at White Park, Yarns Night on Tuesday at Scone RSL Club, the Official Scone Cup Calcutta at Scone Sporties and Scone Cup on Friday.
Keep enjoying and supporting the Festival, we all deserve some time to celebrate and share the beautiful part of the world we can call home.
Lee Watts
Scone & Upper Hunter Horse Festival
M: 0413 036 628