Leaders Bound for Adelaide
ON Sunday 18 young leaders from throughout the Upper Hunter gathered to prepare for their trip to the National Student Leadership Summit in Adelaide next week.
The Where There’s A Will Foundation has organised the trip and founder Pauline Carrigan said she hopes they have fun, learn something and share something.

Local leaders bound for Adelaide: Back: Hilton Carrigan, Breanna Goodear, Johnathan McMahon, Ellie Tilse, Lilly Collins, Hugh Price and Lachlan Cheschire. Middle: Andrea Burns, Hugh Price, Sarah Saunders, Toby McInnes, Harrison Kennedy, Blake Shackelton and Lindy Hunt. Front: Pauline Carrigan, Brydie Moore, Amelia Meir, Georgia Gal and Elizabeth Bate.
“There are many different leaders, with many different qualities; some have empathy for the person at the bottom of the chain others can lead you into war; leaders from from all kinds of backgrounds and everyone going to Adelaide in this group has shown leadership qualities that we’d like to see developed,” said Mrs Carrigan.
“When you are there look after one another, throw you’re nerves aside and meet other young leaders from throughout the country,” she said.
James Hagley a year 12 student from Merriwa Central School said he had never been to Adelaide and was looking forward to the experience.
“I’ve seen in my school changes happening because of more leadership development and positive education already, we’ve done a lot of workshops and you can just see we are all more aware and if you can see someone is down you’ll ask if they are ok whereas before they probably wouldn’t have asked,” said Mr Hagley.
“Hopefully I can bring something back from what we learn,” he said.
Peter Kennedy whose son Harrison is going on the trip said they are glad Where There’s A Will is supporting education for young people.
“Children are facing all kinds of pressures and we get fearful about their well-being, so it is great that there things like this because he can come back and educate his mates, his brother and us and we’re proud that he has been chosen to go,” said Mr Kennedy.
Hilton Carrigan is in charge of the tickets and joked he is confident he’ll be able to keep the herd together while they are in Adelaide.
“Well I’m holding all the tickets and if they want to go to the pub they have to come and see me and we may as well all go together,” he laughed.
“I’ll just keep them all in line, they look like a great bunch of kids so I think it will be good,” he said.
“It’s a great experience for the kids and I’ve never bee to Adelaide either so it is a first for me too,” said Hilton Carrigan.