Khan’s Ride Conquered
THE Archiblad brothers and their cousin have finished the Mongol Derby, with no bones broken and more than $150,000 raised for multiple sclerosis research raised.
Touted as the toughest horse race in the world it stretches 1,000 kilometres over ten days, is inspired by the horse messenger system of Genghis Khan and only has 45 riders who qualify for the ride on semi-wild Mongolian horses.

Jack Archibald, Robert Archibald, Henry Bell and Ed Archibald completed the Mongol Derby today and raised more than $150,000 for MS Research.
James Archibald, father of the three brothers said they were proud of their efforts.
“They finished today, all survived and I think they did pretty well,” said Mr Archibald.
“They all made it together and all stuck together, I think they came seventh or eighth and we are all thrilled they survived,” he said.
“A few horses bucked and there were a few penalties for coming in with a horse that was a bit tired and one was lame, so they lost four hours with that and I think all over it was about as good as it possibly could be,” he said.
“They ended up raising $150,000 for MS, so that was pretty good,” James Archibald said.
Related Story: Scone Brothers Set for Mongol Derby.