James Calls It A Day
JAMES Constable has worked for Council for 31 years, he began as a casual worker in 1985 constructing causeways, building bridges and taking to the roller on roads.

Retiring after 31 years service: James Constable was congratulated by Mayor Wayne Bedggood for his loyal service to Council.
In 1988 he was able to follow his passion of gardening with the Council and became the Parks Supervisor.
“Working with a group of people, working as a team and I enjoyed getting up to go to work everyday, it was very interesting,” Mr Constable said.
“I did a lot of work out of hours watering trees, checking toilets and cleaning the showground up and I enjoyed taking ownership of the job,” he said.
“After 31 years I knew when to order trees for nationals schools week and seniors week, because we used to provide plants and we’d give some to the RSL Club for door prizes and things,” he said.
“I’ve joined the Men’s Shed and there’s a lot of weekend work that I’ve always done with gardening, cutting trees and where I used to go out to some places once or twice a year, now they’ve found out I’m retiring they want you every six weeks,” he said.
“There is plenty of things to do and I’m also into history, I’ve been doing a lot of history on Merriwa and Cassilis, I was born in Cassilis along time ago when they still had a hospital there,” James Constable laughed.