HSC Results for Upper Hunter
MIKAELA Tilse from St Joseph’s High School Aberdeen made the list for all round achievers in this years’ Higher School Certificate results for achieving the highest band possible for at least 10 units, which she did in the subjects of agriculture, English advanced, English extension 1, geography, music 1 and studies of religion.

MIKAELA Tilse of St Joseph’s High School Aberdeen who made the list for all round achievers in this years’ Higher School Certificate.
Mikaela said she thought the results were ‘really cool’.
“I was definitely a bit shocked,” she said.
“But is is an awesome result and it’s nice t have evidence for all of the hard work I have put in,” she said.
“The teachers were amazingly helpful and I spent a lot of time getting feedback and they were always helpful even outside of school hours,” she said.
Her advice to other students who will do the HSC is to be consistent.
“Be consistent and always be doing something even if it is small,” said Mikaela Tilse.
Mikaela has a conditional offer to the University of Sydney to study science and agriculture and will find out tomorrow if she is accepted when the ATR results are released.
St Joseph’s High School Results:
The school’s highest performers also included Beau Harri, Chris Greentree, Angie Smith, Mitch Turner, Olivia van den Heuvel, Maddy Ritter, Lacy Cornall, Jess Dallah, Milli Martin, Kham Gallagher, Gabbi Madden and Sophie Morgan.
Scone High School Results:
Principal Lindy Hunt said their students had performed ‘fantastically well’.
“As well as eight band 6 we got28 band 5’s which is fantastic and that was across all subjects and there was not a subject that didn’t get a band 6 so we are pretty chuffed today,” said Ms Hunt.
“I’d like to congratulate the students and teachers for their hard work and the support of the parents,” she said.
“We are only a small school, but a great school,” Lindy Hunt said.
The school’s highest performers included: Ebony Taylor, Isaac Smith, Alyssa Jones, Samantha Roser, Luke Morris, Rachel Pittman, Shania Thompson, and Briana Muddiman.
Scone Grammar School Results:
Deanna Hollis, director of cirriculum at Scone Grammar School said the class of 30 students who sat the HCS did well.
“This morning we are delighted with the 6 Band 6 results and 20% of results that were Band 5 or Band 6,” she said.
“It is important for us to recognise the achievements of all of our students, as they have all succeeded in achieving an HSC,” she said.
“As a school we very proud of the results across a wide range of subjects and congratulate all of our students.
“Eight of the senior class have already received early entry offers to a range of universities and one student has been nominated for Encore, the HSC music showcase performances in Sydney next year,” she said.
“We congratulate all of our students and wish them well for their future,” said Ms Hollis.