Growing Better Beef
THE Upper Hunter Sustainable Farming Group is encouraging local farmers to join them on a trip to the Department of Primary Industries Beef Industry Centre and University of New England SMART farm on Wednesday, March 22.
The DPI will give farmers a presentation on breeding and genetics to help them maximise productivity in beef cattle and discuss steer grazing trials and feed efficiency.
There will also be an update on the latest drone research and a visit to the University of New England SMART farm.
A bus will go via Merriwa, Denman, Muswellbrook, Scone and Murrurundi.
- WHEN: Wednesday, March 22.
- WHERE: University of New England and Department of Primary Industries, Armidale.
- COST: $15 members and $25 non-members.
- RSVP: Kim Fenley: 0418 570 743 or