Groups Granted Funds this Year
THIS year 24 local organisations were given cultural activity grants from the Upper Hunter Shire Council totalling $12,780.
Wayne Bedggood, Mayor of the Upper Hunter Shire Council said there were many great organisations which deserved a helping hand.
“The grants we were able to give ranged from $180 to $1,000 and we hope it helps them achieve their project,” said Mayor Bedggood.
“Often the money we provide is seed funding for ideas that eventually become perennial community events, so anyone with a worthy cause or a great not-for-profit concept that benefits our community should consider approaching council for support,” he said.
“From helping people with disabilities stage a Christmas concert, to preserving medals from the first world war, buying a fire pit to be part of a bush tucker garden at a local primary school or reenactments at the King of the Ranges festival there is a diverse range of worthy projects,” Wayne Bedggood said.
The full list of grants can be viewed on the Council’s website: 2016 Cultural Activity Grants.

Gerald Aplin from Lawn Hill station, Queensland, competiting in the pack and saddle event at the King of the Ranges Stockman’s Challenge in Murrurundi.