Gallery: Aberdeen Hailstorm
YESTERDAY afternoon a severe storm with hailstones and damaging winds ravaged the Aberdeen town, uprooting trees, blowing away trampolines and trapping some residents in their vehicles.
See gallery below
“We also got 18 millimetres of rain, it hit hard and was savage,” said Aberdeen resident Aaron Cooke.
“Pretty sure there would be hail damaged vehicles throughout town,” he said.
The storm occurred shortly after the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) extended a severe weather warning to the Upper Hunter area.
Isolated storms were a result of humidity air masses clashing with a Southern Ocean cold front.
The BOM kept the weather warning in place for several hours however, only Aberdeen seemed to cop the brunt of the storm.
- Uprooted tree in a backyard on Segenhoe Street. Photo by Andy Lane.
- Backyard hail stones. Photo by Andrew Clarke.
- Fallen trees in Ash Jone’s backyard. Photo by Ash Jones.
- The view from Jason Garland’s car yesterday. Photo/video by Jason Garlond.
- Backyard peppered with hail stones in McLeod Street. Photo/video by Mal Johnston.
- Gale force winds out the front of Mikayla Rodie Ledger’s house. Photo/video by Mikayla Rosie Ledger.
- Hail stone pile at Sidney Bailey’s place. Photo by Sidney Bailey.
- Hail stone blanket on the trampoline. At least it managed to stay in the backyard. Photo by Rachel Savage.
- Sophie Scriven’s hail stone collection. Photo by Sophie Scriven.
- Vision from Aaron Cooke’s car seat. Photo/video by Aaron Cooke.
- Megan Ginn’s garden decorated with hail stones. Photo by Megan Ginn.
Tags: aberdeen, damaging winds, hailstorm, weather