Fires Caused by Butt and Bug
THERE were two fires in Scone during the weekend, one at the Scone Sporties on Saturday night and wheelie bins were set on fire last night in Waverley Street.

Carpet cleaners mopping up after the fire on Saturday night.
Police believe the fire at the Sporties started at approximately 11pm on Saturday night in the smoking area at the rear of the Club, the cause of the fire is suspected to be a smouldering cigarette butt.
Forensics police attended the scene and do not believe the fire was suspicious.
No one was injured and the building sustained minimal fire damage, but the kitchen sustained smoke and water damage.
Michael Hollingsworth, chef executive officer of the Club said he did not know when the Club would reopen.
A second fire could have been much worse in the current dry conditions, if it were not for two good Samaritans.
Kathleen Page was driving on Gundy Road at 11:30pm, after finishing work, when a spark caught her eye, a resident and Ms Page contained the fire until the Fire Brigade arrived.
“I thought, that can’t be what I thought it was, so I went around the block and came back and saw some wizz bins on fire, I moved five of them out of the road,” Ms Page said.
“I tried to keep the grass as wet as possible because it is going to run everywhere and if the sparks get away this place will go up like tinder,” she said.
“The flames were spiralling up towards the power lines,” Kathleen Page said.
Ms Page and a resident of the street contained the fire until the local fire brigade arrived.