Extensive Track Work Next Week
BUSES will replace passenger trains between Scone and Maitland from 6am on Monday, November 21 until 8pm on Friday November 25.
Jonathan Vandervoort, executive general manager – Hunter Valley for the Australian Rail Track Corporation said there will be 110 hours of major maintenance work on the rail network.
“…ARTC will deliver more than $20 million worth of maintenance work, renewing and upgrading track, ballast, sleepers and structure like bridges, culverts and level crossings right through the Hunter Valley,” Mr Vandervoort said.
“By closing sections of the track for an extended period we can deliver more work, faster and importantly in a safer environment for track workers,” he said.
“We’d like to thank the community for their patience with us while this important work is delivered and we also ask motorists to take extra care and be cautious of trucks entering and exiting work sites,” said Jonathan Vandervoort.
To check the train timetable visit: www.sydneytrains.info or www.nswtrainlink.info.