Learning Wellbeing Talk – Aberdeen
56 Macqueen Street

A talk for the Aberdeen Rouchel Community for any parents interested in the affect of Wellbeing on Learning, with Scone Grammar School.
Paul Smart, Principal and Nate Atkinson, Dean of Students will talk about how improved Wellbeing impacts on Learning and how the growth pillars at Scone Grammar School contribute to well rounded, individual students, their wellbeing and being the best learners they can be..
One of our Aberdeen Rouchel Scone Grammar School families will also talk about their Wellbeing experience at Scone Grammar School.
These talks will be directed towards parents, but students of any age are more than welcome. Complimentary drinks and snacks will be provided.
You are welcome to park opposite Segenoe Inn, in the vacant car park on McAdam Street (also known as Rouchel Road) and enter through the back gate of Segenhoe Inn as our talk will be given in the back room near the marquee.