Open Letter to the Hon., Barnaby Joyce:
As a local constituent, I know only too well how hard you Canberra fellas work.
Dear Scone,
My wife and I visited Scone on Thursday 20th of December.
Dear Editor,
I write in dismay and objection to the surprise decision by Upper Hunter Shire Councillors at their meeting last week to rescind the long held and community supported determination for the construction of a rail overpass to replace the existing level crossing on Kelly Street,
Over a Barbecue after Church in Wyoming last July I got to hear about the US Farm Assistance legislation going through the House.
SCONE Horse Parade on a Sunday for the first time…. Did it make any difference?
THANK YOU to the people of Scone and surrounds.
For the month of October I have pedaled my cycle around the area.
The following letter to Robert Ryan from the Upper Hunter District Cricket Association was contributed to the editor:
THE Upper Hunter District Cricket Association received a letter during the off season nominating yourself for Life Membership of the Association.
I am a resident of the Scone community, member of the Council Heritage Advisory committee and the Scone and Upper Hunter Historical Society,
Re: Proposal to demolish existing buildings at 77 Main Street, Scone, and construct a storage shed.
scone.com.au has provided us with wonderful descriptions of the 163 year old Gold Diggers’ Arms in Main Street opposite the Uniting Church.