Deadly mushrooms poisoning dogs

Filed in Just In by March 25, 2021
ENSURE your pet doesn’t fall prey to the effects of toxic mushrooms, after a spike in the deadly fungi following the recent rains.
Mushrooms have been springing up in increasing numbers and it only takes one second of curiosity from your furry friend to smell, taste, or eat them.
Almost all backyard mushrooms and toadstools are toxic to dogs and cats when ingested, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prevent fungi from growing in your backyard.

Due to the wet weather poisonous mushrooms have been growing in backyards.

The accumulation of toxins in your dog or cat’s system can lead to kidney and liver failure, and quite possibly, coma and death.
It may be hard to confirm if your pet has ingested mushrooms unless you see your dog eat them, or they vomit mushrooms.
Mushroom poisoning can present with symptoms of:
  • Lethargy;
  • Wobbliness;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhoea;
  • Frothing of the mouth;
  • Yellow colouring of the gums, skin or whites of the eyes;
  • Seizuring.

Please remove all mushrooms from your yard as soon as they are noticed, if you think your pet has ingested some please contact your local vet immediately as the results can be deadly.

If possible, bring a sample of the mushroom in a paper bag as mushroom identification is helpful to diagnosis.

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