Tag: Cr Allison McPhee

News Archives
December 20, 2023
Editorial: Petition and Merriwa-Willow Tree Road

THERE were 1,201 people who signed the petition seeking an enquiry under the Local Government Act and consideration of an administrator for the UHSC.

 » Read more about: Editorial: Petition and Merriwa-Willow Tree Road  »


July 28, 2023
Editorial: What matters most…

RECENTLY I received news that a family member has a serious health issue and I have made the decision to apply for leave from Council.

 » Read more about: Editorial: What matters most…  »


July 28, 2023
Editorial: Council “Confusion” Clarified

Council has confirmed they were “confused” by my questions pertaining to $37million in loans, which is why they couldn’t answer.

 » Read more about: Editorial: Council “Confusion” Clarified  »


July 4, 2023
Editorial: $37million unexplained

Last week, I voted not to adopt the Council’s budget as nobody could explain a disparity of $37million.

 » Read more about: Editorial: $37million unexplained  »


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