Considering Becoming a Councillor
SEVERAL residents are considering running for Council at the upcoming elections in September and attended an information session this week.
Residents James Burns, Andrew Davis, Ian Campbell, Sue Abbott and Pat Sullivan attended the meeting and all were yet to decide if they would run for Council.
James Burns, resident of Scone, said he thought it was important to have a voice for young families on Council and was interested in running.
“It is a lot to have a full time job and a young family and consider running for Council, but it is also important that people with young families are represented,” he said.
“There is also the opportunity to learn from more experienced Councillors and that they can hand the torch over to others in the community when the time comes,” said James Burns.
Ian Campbell, owner of the Royal Hotel in Scone said he found the session informative, “I hear people sober and drunk talk about issues in town,” he laughed.
“I think most people are concerned about the bypass and they are talking about destination Scone and are interested in how that will be done,” said Ian Campbell.
The session was led by Narayan van de Graaff, a consultant from Local Government Learning Solutions.
Mr van de Graaff said he has worked with more than 80 councils and there were many common issues potential Councillors need to be aware of before deciding to run.
“I once worked with a Councillor who worked out he was paid $1.80 per hour based on the number of committees and meetings he attended, so money is not a big incentive,” said Mr van de Graff.
“I’ve also seen some people become a Councillor for a single issue, but as a Councillor you have to represent thee community and there are many issues you need to be across,” he said.
Mayor Wayne Bedggood attended the session and encouraged people to become a Councillor.
“It is a very steep learning curve but don’t be discouraged, there is help the whole way through in terms of advice,” Mayor Bedggood said.
“And after the elections there is training for the people who have been successful in being elected,” he said.
Nominations open on August 1 and close on August 10 at midday.
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