Connecting with Young Writers
THIS week, to celebrate book week, the Scone Literary Festival has announced their children’s program.
Authors Jess Black and Lynn Jenkins and illustrator Kirrili Lonegran will have sessions at the Scone library on November 10, primary school children will be part of the Newcastle Writer’s initiative UNLOAD and high school students can participate in a writing competition with a prize pool of $1,000.
Jan Sinclair, president of the Scone Literary Festival said they were focused on encouraging younger readers to enjoy literature.
“In this fast paced digital age the Scone Literary Festival committee is passionate about encouraging their younger audience to ‘maintain the page’ so will once again be hosting a pre-school program at Scone Library on November 10,” said Ms Sinclair.
“We are really excited to be releasing the details of our kids program this week to coincide with Book Week,” she said.
“It’s really important for children of all ages to experience the written word and to establish good reading habits from a very early age.

Lynn Jenkins, author and Kirrili Lonegran, illustrator, will be visiting children in the Upper Hunter to share their passion of literature.
“The sessions will feature two authors, Jess Black and Lynn Jenkins and illustrator Kirrili Lonegran.
“The sessions will run back to back and be repeated so no one misses out and what’s more they are free to attend.
“The high school writing competition is currently underway and entries close on September 1,” she said.
“Stories need to be based around the festival theme of ‘Making Connections’ and need only be 500 words so hop onto our website and write up!” Jan Sinclair said.