Chapter Closes for Another Year
HUNDREDS of school children from throughout the Upper Hunter have enjoyed listening to stories from visiting readers and dressing up as their favourite literary character this year.

Book Week at Scone Primary School. Back: Halle King, Harlem Lewis, chaplain Glen Hughes, Grace Dykes and Caiden Holmes. Front: Spenser Woodley and Eilish Brooker.
At Scone Library chaplain Glen Hughes read books to 66 children from Scone Public School’s kindergarten class including ‘My Dog Bigsy’ by Alison Lester, ‘The Cow Tripped Over The Moon’ by Tony Wilson and Laura Wood, and ‘Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas’ by Aaron Blabey and then sung ‘Open, Shut Them’.
While the chapter of Book Week has closed, the Upper Hunter Shire Libraries hold Storytime each week:
- Aberdeen: 10:30am Tuesday;
- Cassilis: toybox fortnightly on Wednesday;
- Scone: 10:30am Friday and
- Murrurundi: 11am Tuesday.