Change Your Attitude
LEE Watts, manager of the Scone Neighbourhood Centre urges people to change their attitudes towards violence and not accept any form of violence.
“White Ribbon Day is held on November 25 as part of an international campaign to highlight and end violence against women,” Lee Watts said.

Lee Watts urges poeple to buy a white ribbon from the Neighbourhood Centre and combat domestic violence.
“According to the World Health Organisation, intimate partner violence is the most common type of violence against women, affecting 30 per cent of women worldwide and Australia is not immune,” she said.
“Violence against women is a serious problem in Australia and at least one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner,” she said.
“These statistics are alarming and it is sad that some people will stand by and watch or are aware of domestic violence taking place but feel they cannot intervene.
“Don’t standby if you are aware of someone that is in a domestic violence relationship.
“The impact of violence against women is widespread and long-standing, generating profound personal, social and economic costs for individuals, communities and the nation.
“Domestic and family violence is also the major cause of homelessness for women and their children,” she said.
“Take a stand and support this cause and buy a white ribbon from the Scone Neighbourhood Centre at 130 Liverpool St, Scone or at other outlets in the area,” said Lee Watts.
You can purchase your white ribbon from the Scone Neighbourhood Centre: 130 Liverpool Street, Scone.
For more information visit: White Ribbon.