Candidate: Kiwa Fisher

Filed in Recent News by August 29, 2016 asked each candidate in the upcoming Upper Hunter Shire Council elections a series of questions to allow readers to compare and contrast responses, based on questions sent by our readers and stories which generated the most interest in the community:

1: An overview of your background:

Kiwa Fisher, candidate for the Uper Hunter Shire Council2016 election.

Kiwa Fisher, candidate for the Upper Hunter Shire Council 2016 election.

I’m 49 years old and live with my wife Meryan McRobert and daughter Millie where the Pages meets the Hunter, close to Aberdeen. Although originally from England, I came to Scone from Kentucky in 1999 to manage Vinery Stud and since then have also started Kerv, performed at SCADS, coached and sponsored kids soccer, been president of Scone Parkville Environment Watch (which stood up for residents impacted by odours from the abattoir) and the Aberdeen Pony Club, public officer for the Upper Hunter Progress Association and am currently Vice President of the Scone Horse Trials and the Upper Hunter Sustainable Industries Association. Much of our spare time is devoted to Millie, and in particular to supporting her drive and commitment to succeed in showjumping and we were thrilled that she was recently selected to ride for her country overseas.

2: Why are you running for Council?

It has been an honour and a privilege to serve on Council these past four years. I’ve learned a great deal about not only the size and scope of Council’s operations but the shire in general, I’ve met many people I would not otherwise have met and made many new friends along the way. While I feel we’ve made progress as a council in many areas, there’s a lot more hard work that remains to be done and I’m keen to be part of the team that does it.

3: Have you been on Council before? How many years? In what roles?

I’m just completing my first four year term as a Councillor. I’ve served on various committees in that time; Development and Environment (as Chair), Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, White Park Management, Old Court Theatre, Dartbrook CCC, Floodplain Management, Murrurundi Frontier Festival and possibly others that I can’t recall!

4: What are the three main issues you would like to address as a Councillor if you are elected?

– Tourism. We’ve made some progress here, finally we have the branding, “Come On Up!”, that we so badly needed and can now promote the shire and its events more effectively. This may seem a small step but we were prohibited from even discussing branding by resolution of the previous Council. The Expressway’s brought us closer to Sydney and we need to take advantage of that. I still believe Glenbawn could be a greater economic driver for the shire and will continue to advocate for improvements there.

– Roads, progress made, more to do.

– Bypass, we’re slowly progressing to a better solution.

5: What do you think Councillors could be doing better?

A good question probably best answered by others, although I will say that I find the seemingly relentless politicking really tiresome and ultimately counterproductive. I’m not saying that we all need to agree on everything, far from it, strength comes from diversity and the best decisions flow on from healthy debate where all sides and arguments are rationally discussed and considered.

6: Who have you listed on your “How to Vote” (in order):

1: Kiwa Fisher; 2: Sue Abbott; 3: Ron Campbell; 4: Wayne Bedggood; 5: Lorna Driscoll; 6: Joshua Brown; 7: Deidre Peebles; 8: Maurice Collison; 9: Lee Watts.

7: In the referendum will you be voting for a directly elected Mayor? (yes / no).


8: Are you currently or have you ever been a member of a political party or campaigned for a political party?

I was asked this question at a Council meeting by, my initial response then was that I didn’t see how it was any of your business. I’m not a member of any political party, I have handed out How to Vote leaflets at Federal, State and Council elections for many different candidates, mostly independents. I have also made donations to various organisations that are involved in politics, such as The Australia Institute and The Climate Council. As a candidate I’m standing as an Independent and if elected I’ll be exactly that.

9: Do you stand by your decision to sell the library building without community consultation, putting it on the public record or put out to public tender?

Yes. It was a difficult decision, wasn’t taken lightly and complicated by many considerations and a confidentiality clause. I appreciate it has caused angst in parts of the community and I’m not entirely comfortable with how the process proceeded and changes have been made so Councillors won’t be put in a similar position in future. Throughout the process the security of the library and Neighbourhood Centre was assured, both have a home for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, there are other interesting ideas being canvassed for a new, and frankly better, home for the library in conjunction with the CBD Redevelopment.

10: While not legally required, do you feel it is ethically required for Council to place on the public record the sale of any Council owned land and buildings?

Council has a policy, updated since the library sale, for the sale of property, it can be viewed at .

This ensures compliance with all statutory, and indeed ‘ethical’ requirements. I view it as necessary that Council’s property portfolio be flexible and fluid. In my time we have acquired the Old Court Theatre and sold the library building. Times and needs change and opportunities come along frequently.

11: Do you think it was acceptable that septic services were closed without your knowledge and without it being placed on public record?

What a beat up this story was, and a sad example of how low people will stoop to score cheap political points. How Councillors Bedggood and Collison were blamed remains beyond me. The ‘night soil pit’ was closed by the EPA. How different Councillors reacted to this issue is highly informative. One posted on her Facebook page and did nothing else. Others – myself, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor included, quietly and actively set about gathering facts, finding answers and a solution to it. The problem has a functioning temporary fix with permanent solutions being considered.

12: As an existing Councillor do you think you have been able to ensure Council has been transparent and proactive with the community? Why / why not?

With the exception of the library building sale which was covered with a confidentiality clause, yes I do. Can we do more? Yes we can. Do I wish more people attended DPOP (Budget) and monthly Council meetings? Yes I do. How do we make that happen? I don’t know, it’s a perennial problem. I talked of wanting a more “proactive” Council before the last election, I remember the then GM lightheartedly telling me “Proactive costs more money!”. He’s probably right, but I think we’ve made some progress.

13: Will you support free green waste drop off or green waste bins?

Green waste bins most certainly, with free green waste drop off I would need to examine the financial implications to Council before committing one way or the other. I understand concerns of increased tip fees. However, Council has been jammed by the State Government ludicrously designating us a “coastal” Shire and hitting us with a Waste Levy of $72 a tonne. It’s unfair, unreasonable and the previous Council did all they could to get us out of it, but were unsuccessful. It’s classic State Government “cost shifting” and I’m afraid we’re all stuck with it, like it or not.

14: Many residents report feeling unsafe going for a walk due to the number of stray dogs. Do you think Council’s current response time of 24 hours for a ranger to attend to a call for a stray dog is acceptable? What would you propose?

The community social media pages regularly have “Loose dog prowling” posts and there have been more serious incidents. The primary responsibility lies with the dog owner, it is anti-social behaviour and if repeat offenders persist in disregarding the safety of others then Council will have to look at what their options are regarding a ‘dob in a dog’ line, fines and even confiscation. The rangers have other duties too and I’m sure they do their best, however, dogs are highly mobile and have often moved on or gone home leaving the ranger only with a description of the animal.

15: Do you feel the water pipeline to Murrurundi is progressing well or could Council be doing more to expediate this infrastructure?

With any infrastructure project it’s important to get it right. The Murrurundi project had various considerations to make before planning could commence – such as whether a private irrigation scheme was viable. has previously unfavourably compared this project to the Werris Creek pipeline which is comparing apples and oranges. Our pipeline is predominantly uphill (the other mostly flat), needs several pumping stations, will carry more water twice as far and has nearly triple the budget. The Scone pipeline has been a success and Murrurundi’s will bring much needed water security. The target completion date remains 2020.

16: What improved recreational facilities would you support across the Shire?

There’s so much that could be done, but, as ever, it comes down to funding and money. We’re eagerly awaiting the outcome of the White Park Grant application, we’ll never rival AELEC but a decent facility would be a boon for Scone. I’ve spoken often about Glenbawn and it’s huge unlocked potential. Bike tracks I support and I’m keenly behind the Denman Merriwa Rail-trail. Cr Watts recently drew my attention to the condition of the Scone Youth Centre and I’ll support her efforts to tidy it up. Longterm, a sports centre near the Scone pool would be fantastic.

17: Where can people find more information about you?

Feel free to call me on 0419 278 724 or email to discuss any issues.

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