Candidate: Joshua Brown

Filed in Recent News by August 29, 2016 asked each candidate in the upcoming Upper Hunter Shire Council elections a series of questions to allow readers to compare and contrast responses, based on questions sent by our readers and stories which generated the most interest in the community:

1: An overview of your background.

Josh Brown, candidate for the Upper Hunter Shire Council 2016 election.

Josh Brown, candidate for the Upper Hunter Shire Council 2016 election.

I am a resident of Murrurundi and have been encouraged by members of my local community and Labor supporters to nominate as a candidate in this year’s election for Upper Hunter Shire Council.

I am honoured to be able to give residents the opportunity to cast a vote for a representative who will stand up for them, to ensure fairness is a consideration in all of Council’s decisions and that everyone in this Shire is given a strong voice.

I am currently employed by Muswellbrook Shire Council and have spent my working life in the public sector at all three levels of government.  I bring a wealth of experience and access to an extensive network of senior decision makers.

I hope to enhance the capacity of the Council but more importantly improve the community’s ability to attract more funding and extra support from the State and Federal Governments.

2: Why are you running for Council?

I share the view of many residents, including those in my home town of Murrurundi that sections of the Shire have lacked representation on the Council and it is now time for a strong voice to put the interests of everyone in this Shire at the decision making table.

3: Have you been on Council before? How many years? In what roles?


4: What are the three main issues you would like to address as a Councillor if you are elected?

I look forward to achieving more equitable outcomes for communities across the Shire, improvements in infrastructure and service delivery, and working to ensure our Shire shares in the significant government investment that for too long we seem to have missed out on.

5: What do you think Councillors could be doing better?

Whilst we could all always improve, I’m not in the business of criticising the existing Councillors. I am about promoting a positive agenda for the community and bringing fresh ideas and perspectives into the mix.  I look forward to working with whoever is elected and won’t be caught up in petty politics or personal grandstanding.

6: Who have you listed on your “How to Vote” (in order):

I am yet to conclude my consultation with the community on the order of preferences to be recommended on my how-to-vote card.  I note that ultimately decisions about preferences are a matter for electors.

7: In the referendum will you be voting for a directly elected Mayor? (yes / no).

I will not be making any recommendations with respect to the referendum.  It is a matter for individual electors. I personally don’t support a popularly elected Mayor as it increases the likelihood of a dysfunctional council when that Mayor does not have the support of a majority of Councillors.  The community risks significant financial losses associated with dealing with unresolved matters of conflict and council dismissal.

8: Are you currently or have you ever been a member of a political party or campaigned for a political party?

Yes.  I am the endorsed Country Labor candidate in this election.

9: Would you have supported the sale of the library building without community consultation, putting it on the public record or out to public tender?

I am not in possession of all the facts in this matter. I oppose the privatisation of public services and facilities as a matter of principle.

10: While not legally required, do you feel it is ethically required for Council to place on the public record the sale of any Council owned land and buildings?

I am not in possession of all the facts in this matter.  As a general principle I oppose the privatisation of public services and facilities.  I would consider the merits of the sale of non-performing Council assets that do not provide a public service on a case by case basis. As a matter of principle these issues should be discussed in open council unless there are overriding public interest considerations not to do so.

11: Do you think it was acceptable that septic services were closed without community consultation or it being placed on the public record?

I am not in possession of all the facts in this matter and as a consequence cannot make any sensible comment.

12: Do you feel the current Councillors have been able to ensure Council has been transparent and proactive with the community? Why/Why Not?

Whilst we could all always improve, I’m not in the business of criticising existing Councillors. I am about promoting a positive agenda for the community and bringing fresh ideas and perspectives into the mix. I look forward to working with whoever is elected and won’t be caught up in petty politics or personal grandstanding.

13: Will you support free green waste drop off or green waste bins?

I would support the introduction of green waste kerb side collection and free green waste drop off at Council’s waste facilities subject to a complete understanding of the cost implications for residents.

14: Many residents report feeling unsafe going for a walk due to the number of stray dogs. Do you think Council’s current response time of 24 hours for a ranger to attend to a call for a stray dog is acceptable? What would you propose?

Residents have raised concerns with me with respect to stray dogs, and particularly those that may present a threat to public safety. I would certainly consider an allocation of additional resources to better respond to the collection and management of animals that pose a danger to the community.

15: Do you feel the water pipeline to Murrurundi is progressing well or could Council be doing more to expediate this infrastructure?

One of the most pressing issues for the Murrurundi community is water security. Current arrangements are inadequate and unacceptable.  The proposed timeline for the construction of a pipeline to Murrurundi is unnecessarily long and will almost certainly not be delivered by the State Government as promised at the last State election.

16: What improved recreational facilities would you support across the Shire?

There are needs for additional and improved recreation facilities right across the Shire.  A particular priority for which I will seek funding are additional facilities for older kids. Our play equipment generally meets the needs of younger children and infants but we miss out on facilities for our bigger kids.  I also hear repeatedly of a need for dog agility parks and I will be work towards establishing such a facility in Scone if elected.

17: Where can people find more information about you?

My Facebook page can be located by searching for JoshBrown4UHSC. I can also be contacted on 0491 343 088 or

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