Busy Year for Neighbourhood
THIS year is shaping up to be busier than ever at the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre

The team from Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre: Jaala Presland, Jan Kelaher, Lee Watts and Belinda McKenzie with their recent Australia Day award
The small team at the Centre deliver a huge number of services to the local community and were honoured with the 2016 Community Group award for the Scone District at the Australia Day Awards.
Lee Watts, manager of the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre, said the staff were honoured by their Australia Day award.
“We were honoured to receive the 2016 Community Group award for Scone District at the Australia Day Awards especially when positioned against such other worthy and outstanding services in Scone,”said Mrs Watts.
A key focus for the Centre this year will be fundraising for a new building to house the Centre.
“This week our fundraising group will meet and will plan ways to raise funds for the service to relocate,” said Mrs Watts.
“Keep an eye out for activities and support your Neighbourhood Centre by joining in at events,” she said.
“Preparation is underway for a charity bowls day and golf day.
“The year is shaping up to be another busy one with many people calling in to use the services of secretarial support, resume writing and booking into computer training,” Lee Watts said.
The end of last year was described by Jaala Presland, event organiser as a great success for the Centre.
“With the success of Christmas in the Park in 2015, we look forward to providing another jam packed afternoon of market stalls and entertainment in Elizabeth Park in 2016,” she said.
Upper Hunter Connector: The Upper Hunter Connector, community newsletter, will be delivered inside catalogues to every home at the townships of Scone and Aberdeen in March and at the beginning of each season.
Contributions and advertising enquiries can be emailed to jaala@snrc.com.au.
Harmony Day: In March the Scone Library and the Scone Neighbourhood Centre will host Harmony Day at the Scone Grammar School on Wednesday, March 23.
If you are from Australia or another country please join us at the table for a world of food, you can register the dish you would like to bring by selecting Harmony Day on our website.
Virtual Shed: On March 9, there will be a quad biking and shipwreck tour and visit to fighter world.
Belinda McKenzie, the Virtual Shed project officer is busy working on many social activities for the men of the shed, including interesting guest speakers.
“Inspirational speaker Darren Flannigan who presents on topics in the risk management fields has been invited to Scone in September,” said Ms McKenzie.
“Darren was one of the heroes of the Beaconsfield Mine rescue,” she said.
Other activities at the Centre will include:
- Seniors Week in April;
- computer classes – introduction to computers and understanding what an app is;
- annual BBQ in May;
- family fun day in partnership with Family Insight in September, and
- family outdoor movies towards the end of the year when the weather warms up.
Ongoing Services: Trainlink ticketing, motorised scooter maintenance and computer use are all still available and staff are always available to answer your questions or direct you to the appropriate agency for help.
The Scone Neighbourhood Centre are a small team and are searching for volunteers to assist with activities.
If you can help for a few hours please phone: 6545 2562
For more information on all activities and events at the Scone Neighbourhood Centre, visit their website: www.snrc.com.au or visit in person at 130 Liverpool Street, Scone.