BBQ Firing
HAVING a sausage for lunch today at the Neighbourhood Centre, will help homeless people in the Upper Hunter.
There are more than 6,000 people on the public housing list across the Upper Hunter and a shortage of private rentals.
Marina Lee-Warner, case worker for Upper Hunter Homeless Support said ideally they want to help people before they are homeless.
“Homelessness can be the result of a relationship breakdown, loss of job, difficulty in managing finances, substance abuse and families escaping domestic violence,” said Ms Lee Warner.
“The sooner people come to us the sooner we can get them in touch with the services and support they need,” she said.
“We can source emergency and temporary accommodation and we have transitional houses in Merriwa, Singleton and Muswellbrook where people can rent for a few months and get a reference to then go into the broader rental market,” Marina Lee-Warner said.
The Upper Hunter Homeless Support and the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre joined together to raise awareness of homelessness.

Ron Wakem donating some blankets today to Lee Watts, manager of the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre.
Lee Watts said there are a range of services people can access locally for support.
“We also have the food pantry and people can pop in to get some basics when things are stretched,” said Mrs Watts.
“The generosity of our community is wonderful, there are regulars who donate to the pantry and this morning we also had a donation of blankets,” she said.
“We’d encourage everyone to learn a bit more about what support is available in the community, you may not personally need it, but there will no doubt be someone you know who may need some support at some stage,” Lee Watts said.
There are plenty of beanies, warm knitwear and blankets available.