Back from Bondi Beach
STEVE Ernst, stock man and organ recipient, described the drove down the sands of Bondi Beach as amazing, with many people signing up to become organ donors.
See photos below.
“The cattle behaved themselves sensationally we spent a week with them before settling them down and they were great,” said Mr Ernst.
“We loaded them at 4:30 in the morning and they came off the truck with no problem,” he said.
“The crowd was full on all the way down the promenade they set up for us and the media presence was huge,” he said.
“We explained the significance of the Herd of Hope for organ donation and as we see in Scone at the moment with many cattle producers having to truck their cattle away in the hope that it will rain and they can bring them home and there are many places in rural Australia where people still have cattle out on the road hoping to find green along the way and hoping it will rain so they can come home,” he said.
“And as someone who was on the waiting list for an organ transplant, you have to hold onto hope, without hope you have nothing,” he said.
“It would be lovely to do it again somewhere, so watch this space,” said Steve Ernst.
Related Stories:
- Gathering to the Fray at Bondi – March 15, 2018.
- Droving for Donors – May 22, 2018.
For more information:
- Visit the Facebook page: Herd of Hope.
- Visit the government website: DonateLife.
- IMPORTANT: If you would like your organs donated, you need to ensure your next of kin know you wishes, as they will have to make the final decision.
- Setting up the runs for the Herd of Hope on Bondi Beach.
- Stockman from the Herd of Hope taking an early morning walk down Bondi Beach.
- The cattle were well behaved during their walk across Bondi Beach and gathered a crowd.