Australian First Well-Being Study
FOR the first time in Australia a multi-school study will be conducted to measure the impact of a well-being program on students and teachers, using four schools in the Upper Hunter.
While there have been studies at individual schools, a study over several schools will provide important data explained Professor Alex Yeung, deputy director for the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University.
“In terms of research we call this generalisability to measure the impacts across different communities, different school settings, different children’s backgrounds and so on, what works in one school may not work in another school, but there are things that are working in a range of different schools then that will be something we can roll out in a larger scope,” said Prof Yeung.
“We want to find out scientifically what makes a difference,” he said.
“I think it is exciting times that we are ready to go out there and collect scientific data,” he said.
“We are just starting in this area, people have been focusing too much on achievement for success, but what does that success mean if you are not healthy, if you are not thinking positively?
“The whole thing about education is to build people, not just achievement, achievement is part of it, but well-being ,” Professor Alex Yeung said.
The four schools participating in the trial include St Joseph’s Merriwa, Aberdeen Public, St Mary’s Scone and St James’ Muswellbrook.
Mrs Helen Whale, principal of St Joseph’s Merriwa said the news of the partnership has given a real boost to the school community.
“We know learning improves when children’s sense of self well-being is maximised,” said Mrs Whale.
“We’ve always known this and we’ve tried to maximise this but we just haven’t had access to the research or assessment of what we’re doing to know that it works,” she said.
“This partnership with Where there’s a Will and the Institute of Positive Psychology will enable us to learn about the BounceBack programme, train us in its delivery and most importantly, measure its effectiveness.
“Having four schools involved in this particular project will allow us to network and support each other as we implement the programme.
“So we are excited!
“There’s been a great response from the school community, I’ve had parents say to me: ‘we’re worried about our kids’ well-being and it’s good to see the school doing something proactively’,” Helen Whale said.
Pauline Carrigan, founder of Where There’s a Will foundation said they are keen to support other schools volunteering to implement BounceBack program into their curriculum.
“I think the Upper Hunter community has been very strong in expressing a desire to improve the well-being of our children and we’re looking forward to working with many more schools to assist in the delivery of positive education and giving students every opportunity to thrive,” Mrs Carrigan said.
The trial and implementation of the program is being funded by the Where There’s A Will foundation and will include:
• training all staff on how they can help children bounce back and how to embed resilience into the curriculum;
• training each school’s well-being team on how to support school staff during the implementation of BounceBack;
• a coach to work with all schools to ensure successful delivery of the programme and
• resources for classrooms to assist in the promotion of well-being.

Students from St Joseph’s Primary School Merriwa: Fiona Tomy, Thomas Hunt, Patrick McLaren, Cody Bates, principal Mrs Helen Whale, Bobby Keegan, Darcy Taaffe and Ella Beaven.